Become a reseller
Login / Reseller

Login / Reseller

In order to make a purchase from us you must be registered as a customer. The prices will be visible only after login. If you wish to become a reseller, please fill out and submit our customer application here. Having trouble logging in? - Click "Forgot password" or contact us!
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Become a reseller

We are glad to see you here and that you are interested in becoming a reseller. We would love seeing more reseller and partners around the world.

To be able to get a clear picture of your shop we ask you to fill out and submit the application below. We will get back with confirmation within a few days.

If you have any questions, please call us at +46 40 40 86 40 or email:

Thank you.

Contact information
Company name:
VAT no:
 I agree that VAT will be charged on the invoice.
Delivery address:
Copy the delivery address to the billing address.
Billing address:
Contact person:
Phone (+46xxxxxxxxx):
Mobile (+46xxxxxxxxx):
Store information
Kind of store:
Store area in square meters:
Please tell us about your store concept:
Which other wholesalers do you work with?
I approve of Miljögården's data policy
{2,}$/.test(value); }, "Please specify a valid phone number."); var $validator = jQuery('#Kontaktform').validate({ rules: { '1_company': 'required', '3_delivery_address': 'required', '4_delivery_zip': 'required', '5_delivery_city': 'required', '6_invoice_address': 'required', '7_invoice_zip': 'required', '8_invoice_city': 'required', '10_contact_person': 'required', '13_email': { required: true, email: true }, '16_store_space': 'number', '9_country': 'required', '15_store_type': 'required', 'contract_3': 'required', 'contract_4': 'required', '11_phone': 'phoneNumber', }, messages: { '1_company': "Ange ett företagsnamn.", '3_delivery_address': "Ange en leveransadress.", '4_delivery_zip': "Ange postnr.", '5_delivery_city': "Ange ort.", '6_invoice_address': "Ange ett faktureringsadress.", '7_invoice_zip': "Ange postnr.", '8_invoice_city': "Ange ort.", '10_contact_person': "Ange en kontaktperson.", '13_email': { required: "Ange en epost.", email: "Ange en giltig epost." }, '16_store_space': "Ange butiksytan i nummerformat.", '9_country': "Välj ett land.", '15_store_type': "Välj typ av butik.", 'contract_3': "Godkänn avtalet.", 'contract_4': "Godkänn avtalet.", '11_phone': "Ange ett telefonnummer.", }, }); });