Acacia wood
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Acacia wood

Acacia wood has become a popular material in home furnishings. In our Woody series, all products are made of acacia wood. Let's elaobrate a bit more about the tree and why the material has become so popular.

About the acacia tree
Acacia trees are common in tropical and subtropical regions such as Africa, Asia and Australia. It is part of the pea family, Fabaceae, along with 160 other trees and shrubs. The acacia tree is adaptable and grows in many different climates. There are more than a thousand varieties of acacia that grow all over the world. Each tree variety adapts to its particular climate.

These trees are thorny and have fragrant white and yellow flowers. The bark is filled with tannins, which we usually associate with wines. Tannins belong to a complex group in chemistry called polyphenols. They are found in various parts of the plant world, mainly in grapes but also in bark, plants and other fruits. In the plant, the tannin is stored in vacuoles that break if someone eats it. This is a protection to make the plant indigestible and unpalatable, mainly to insects.

There are several reasons why acacia wood is a popular choice for home furnishings. Below we list some of these:


  1. Durability: Acacia wood is known for its durability and resistance to water, insects, and mold. In this way, it can last a long time, which is an advantage from several aspects, not least from a sustainability perspective.

  2. Unique appearance: The wood has a unique appearance with a clear grain and natural variations in colour and tone. It is beautiful and can contribute to a warm and cosy atmosphere in the home.

  3. Versatility: Acacia wood can be used for many different types of furniture and decor, including interior details, kitchen utensils, tables, and even the floor. It is also easy to paint or stain to suit different interior styles.

  4. Environmentally friendly: Acacia wood is a renewable material, as the tree grows quickly and does not require much water or other resources to grow. It is also biodegradable, which means that it will not leave any waste in nature.